Signs of spiritual awakening

Each of us follows our own path. Regardless of whether we are interested in spirituality or whether we are completely ignorant about it – we will go forward anyway. Nothing will change that. We live in a world that we consider an illusion, and it is just as real as everything else. We consider certain things to be valuable and others as bad or useless. We reject the latter as part of the illusion. We want to get out of it, but we do not know what it really is.

This is the greatest lie of our lives. The idea that this world is not a worthless mirage, which should be abandoned as soon as possible. We are convinced that we must constantly look for ways to free ourselves. We cling to the idea that there is a better world somewhere. It is just outside our reach, but if we act accordingly, we will get the opportunity to enter it and stay there forever.

Belief in such a wonderful reward for proper conduct is the core of practically all world religions. Personally, I have not yet encountered a spiritual tradition that would not promise one form of liberation from our world. There is nothing surprising. The amount of suffering and uncertainty with which we must cope in this life makes the idea of ​​eternal life in paradise extremely tempting. Everyone, after all, wants to be happy and fulfilled. Unfortunately, in this world only a few manage to live the fullness of the spirit.

I am lucky to belong to this narrow group of people. Perhaps that is why I am not tempted by the promises of religious institutions and I have a hundred per cent freedom in my spiritual awakening. There is no fear of punishment in me. There is no humiliation and begging for grace. There is no hard work to lead to liberation. Why? Because I am aware that I have nothing to „release” from.

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